Eleanor tried out for her school's musical this year - our first theater experience. This is, by far, the most intensive thing Eleanor has ever been involved in. We were so proud of her for the hours of work she put in every week (at school alone, there was between 8 and 18 hours of practice per week - they were actually pulled out of classes for two entire school days for rehearsals, and at home she put in hours every night learning choreography).
The school did Something Rotten - a play about a guy who is trying to make a name for himself during the Renaissance, so his competition is Shakespeare. There are a lot of fun nods to other musicals and Shakespearean plays and sonnets, and the entire play was very funny!
She loved it. She actually got a callback after auditions, which she was thrilled about, and ended up in the ensemble. She also auditioned for tap dancer, which she got! We were pretty surprised because she has never tapped in her life. She also played a "grim reaper" and then had a duet with a friend as a "Sad Little Egg." Here was her headshot for one of the numbers:
Lots of hair and make-up sessions, and some Starbucks.
Eleanor as the "sad little egg:"
Program bio:
Eleanor had SO MANY people come see her perform! Many who came are not pictured. Our hearts were so, so grateful. She was supported every single night and afternoon of the play :) Some people even come more than once!
With some of her friends on stage after the understudy performance:
She did so well - we were all so impressed, and very, very proud of all the time and effort she put in!
Eleanor as the "sad little egg:"
There was an understudy performance:
For the actual show, Eleanor was blocked front and center for pretty much all the songs, so it was great to be able to see her well!
This is a (very long) video of clips from her play that I am posting here just so she'll have a record. The play ran 2 full hours with a 15 minute intermission, so I tried to narrow it down to pieces!