
Monday, October 14, 2024

JHS parade

The kids all walked in the JHS Homecoming parade this year! Eleanor walked with her volleyball team and the twins and Jane walked with their elementary school. We had never participated before, but soccer was canceled, there was amazing weather, and we decided to go. It was such a fun event and as we walked down DOG street I couldn't help but be so grateful that we live in such a cool place! The kids even got to see several of their favorite summer swim coaches on some of the floats!

Happy homecoming, JHS! 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Kid Dates 10

Chris took Eleanor to Busch Gardens. They had a great time until the end when they got caught in a downpour!

I took Jane shopping for our date. We had to get a few things for camp and Jane and I picked up milkshakes while we were out.

Chris took Ben golfing.

Rosie's request was lunch and milkshakes at McDonald's and then a trip to Kidsburg. We had a great time running around and doing whatever she told me to do. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Chris' birthday

This year Chris' birthday was a little strange because he was out of town for his 20th high school reunion! He got to see several of his friends from high school: Austin, Casey, Lindsey, Whitney, and Diego. 

He also got to spend some quality time with his mom while he was there. They did some yard work and went to an Oktoberfest at a local brewery.

He got back into town the morning of his birthday and we had church, and then celebrated that evening. We had carnitas and coronas per Chris' request. They were delicious. His mom also sent him home with a giant bowl of spaetzle! It was a Sunday, so Jane decorated his cake with 39 M&Ms around the perimeter and the Commanders logo in the middle. The Commanders won, so it was a good day!

Rosie continued her tradition of carrying the largest present into the room and then Ben and Rosie opened all of Chris' presents for him ;) What a good dad.

Happy birthday to the best dad and husband on the planet!

Thursday, October 3, 2024

September wrap-up

September is one of the loveliest months of the year. The weather starts changing, and you can spend a ton of time outside without sweating constantly. This month unfortunately felt hotter than August, though! We are ready for a change of seasons.

Football season has started.

Grandma and Dave came down for a visit. They stayed at the Chickahominy camp ground in their camper van and we went over to visit one evening. We even celebrated Jane's birthday a little early.

We went to our street's annual Hurricane Isabel remembrance cookout.

Ben made a Millennium Falcon out of his biscuit one night.

This is how the twins get their breakfast in the mornings.

Hammock time with these two. We read lots of books!

I had to propagate the fiddle leaf fig again because he was getting too close to the ceiling. We'll see if this cutting survives. So far I'm 1 and 1. By the end of the month the "mother" plant has sprouted two new leaves! The baby still hasn't rooted.

We attended a fish funeral for a friend.

Lots of Busch Gardens time.

Rosie and Ben have been incorporating their names into their magna tiles designs.

We've played lots of card games - here Rosie dominated Chris in Go Fish.

Tent building has happened quite a bit this month.

CW is blooming and beautiful!

Just Rosie and our neighbor hanging around.

Ben got new socks and he had an epic battle where the socks all fought each other (they are Marvel characters). It lasted almost an hour! 

Lots of playing at the bus stop!

Rosie can do the splits!

Rosie's new jam has been listening to music with her headphones on and singing at the top of her lungs. 

We went to a William and Mary volleyball game. They beat Stonybrook 3 sets to 0.

We had a moms and older girls night. Eleanor and Hannah cooked for us and we watched the Barbie movie together.

Jane was pleased to participate in a post-game soccer clinic at the William and Mary women's soccer game. She also got to get autographs and was very excited about it.

The last day of September is super rainy and we're hoping we'll start getting some crisp mornings! We are also so glad the first full month of school has gotten off to a great start!