
Thursday, May 16, 2024

KelRae Farms Field Trip

I got to go with the twins on a field trip to KelRae Farms. They were very excited. It was inordinately hot for April so there was a lot of water drinking since there was little shade to be found.

The kids got to go on a tractor ride...

We had a great time! They did hide under the table during lunch to try to get some shade...

They got to pick kale (and 6 other types of lettuces) that we washed back in the classroom. They had salad for a snack.

The reason for their trip was because they hatched baby chicks in school last month. Two weeks ago they had to give them away to the farm, and then they got to go visit them!

They fed the bigger chickens...

And they got to enjoy time with friends and craft bird feeders.

They had a great time despite the heat. It was a fun Kindergarten trip!

Monday, May 13, 2024


Awhile back, all the kids entered a Reflections contest at school. There are several categories but they all entered in the same one (visual arts).  Eleanor won first place and Jane second for 3-5th grade and Rosie won first and Ben second for K-2 grade. Eleanor and Rosie moved on to the Council level. Rosie particularly was so enthralled and excited! She got an honorable mention at the council level and Eleanor won second place. They did such a great job! They got to meet the superintendent and received medals.
Another friend from our small group had entered in the dance category and came, too!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Kid Dates 8

Eleanor and Chris went to get Shamrock shakes and go to the driving range this month.

I took Jane to IHOP for breakfast. She wanted to get a smiley face pancake. We played Kings in the Corner while we waited.

Ben and Chris went mini-golfing and through a rare turn of events, all the girls were busy so we both got to take him out.

I took Rosie to Cook Out because all she wanted to do was get a milkshake!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Spring pictures 2024

The kids had spring pictures at school recently. I can't believe how grown up they look!

This year has been such a gift - amazing teachers and all the kids in one school! I really will be so sad for this year to end!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Jukebox Time Machine

Eleanor's spring chorus concert was a mini-play called Jukebox Time Machine complete with dancing, costume changes, and some lines. It was a journey through the decades and our favorite chorus concert yet because they were actually songs we knew. Enjoy!

Eleanor with the Jukebox:

Jukebox Time Machine:

ABBA - Dancing Queen:

Journey (this one had a surprise guest - Mr. Geise): 

Swing Swing Swing:


Splish Splash: 

The Beatles:

Great job, Eleanor!

Curtain call: 

She then spent 3 hours on her day off helping with tear down and came home with a box full of stuff that now needs to find a place...

Monday, April 29, 2024

April wrap-up

The weather has finally changed in April - everything is blooming and pollen is everywhere. While I love spring and the weather getting warmer, I also can't stand how much pollen covers everything!!

Ben and Rosie hatched chicks in their class this year!

Eleanor got to perform in a 5th grade solo fest for band. She got to meet the band teacher at the middle school next year. She also volunteered the entire evening!

Rosie and Ben did a car wash and thought it was the best thing in the world.

I got another blueberry bush from a friend and then replanted the one I already had in a new place to see if it would do better than it has been.

I also repotted several house plants that seemed to want some new space. We'll see how it affects them.

Jane and Rosie have been doing American Girl tea parties.

Ben got to take his "class pet" to the dentist. Birdy got his teeth checked!

I got to attend a field trip to the Virginia Living Museum with Eleanor's 5th grade class.

Jane had a fun playdate after church with a buddy.

Chris and I took a walk down to the marina for sunset.

Chris busted out his new lawn mower and taught the kids how to mow.

Rosie and Ben were invited to a pool party.

April was a great month with some really warm weather, a lot of rain, and some quite cold weather, too. I still feel like this year has just started and all of a sudden, the school year is wrapping up. This has been such a great school year for the kids this year that I am so sad to see it ending...the only year with all four kids in the same building!