Chris dislikes pets. Strongly. But for some reason, he and Leonidas get along great! Leonidas always comes up and sits with him, licks his jeans, and Chris has even started petting him back. If you don't know him, this is a huge step forward. Gives me hope for getting a cat one day... (if they come up with a way to cure my allergy, of course)
Look how content he is to lay in Chris's lap...

Haha, on the other hand, I am terrible with him. I accidently let him out of the house when I try to leave (this has happened twice. Once was today, and then I have to chase him down). But I try! I even helped Ashley give him a bath the other day. My job was to put water in the cup and pour it on him. I know this seems like a little feat, but I was pretty excited that I accomplished it.
haha i'm proud of you guys. katie, i heard that there's a special kind of cat that's good for allergic people...so maybe there's hope!
Chris - what has happened??? This is a huge stretch! Leonidas looks much to comfortable resting on your leg!
hahaha chris looks so awkward in the first picture! like, what do i do now..?
haha love it, Chris. ...and Katie, you are not bad with him!! Ash and I have both let him out when opening the door (multiple times). :-) He loves you both!
wow look at you both! those are big steps!
aww too cute! buck up and just get a pet!! you'll be so happy with it! and sorry that rock steady couldn't be that calm chris...they say animals reflect their owners personality so could u guys have really expected anything less? haha. but nice work with the pup!!
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