No, I don't normally sit around in the dark. I sat down today when the sun was shining and there was 100% visibility in the room. I set out to return some emails I had been meaning to respond to that were piling up slowly but surely, and then didn't get up until I noticed how dark it had gotten! The room getting dark was so gradual that I didn't even realize it had happened. I bet I'm not the only one either...do you ever sit down and get so engrossed in something that you fail to notice the sun setting? Or do you notice it and are too lazy to get up and turn on a light? :)
The only thing I've started to notice is the daylight slowwwwly getting longer! :)
yeah that's definitely happened to me before! its easier to happen too when you're using a computer b/c that remains bright
That's happened to me more than once. What really freaks me out is going to bed when I get home from work in the morning and waking up in the dark disoriented "is it late in the day or early morning and how long did I sleep?"
Yes, that's happened to me several times. The power of concentration!
I'm glad to see it's staying light a little longer. The short days make me want to hibernate!
does it count if this happens to me all the time when im napping? i go to sleep when its light and wake up later what its not... sometimes i think i've slept through the WHOLE night. usually i didn't :)
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