Yesterday morning the power went off around 7 a.m. while we were getting ready for work. I'm really not sure why. It wasn't windy or stormy or anything, but based on the clocks we think it was out for over two hours. Anyway, I had to get dressed in the dark and then went in to the office. It was SO sunny outside and unfortunately I broke my sunglasses a while ago, so I did my best to stare down the sun as I drove. The worst part was the glass. You know how when it's darker out or at least not super sunny you think your windshield is pretty clean? Then when the sun beams down on it you see how incredible dirty it actually is. Well, that happened to me as soon as I hit GW pkwy on the way to work. This wouldn't have been too bad except for the fact that the fluid that shoots out of the car to clean your windshield was FROZEN! I had to drive the entire way to work with no sunglasses, a glaring sun, and a dirty windshield. My visibilty was terrible! (It had unfrozen by my drive home, so that wasn't too bad.) Anyway, I reset all the clocks from the power outage when I got home and didn't know that the little clock on my bedside table resets its alarm when the power goes out.
At 12:00 a.m. my alarm started blaring and I could not for the life of me figure out how to turn it off (I normally use the alarm on my phone). Chris actually got up out of bed because he thought it was the morning alarm. I must have somehow hit the snooze button and fallen back asleep because at 12:09 it went off again! That time I actually woke up long enough to figure out how to turn the alarm off. My alarm clock is definitely conducive to snoozing though...see how dominant that snooze button is?? It is the closest button to you and spans the entire length of the clock almost!

man that is a prominent button! i have an alarm clock that's similar and its soo easy to hit that snooze!
yikes i hope you're having a good weekend to make up for such a crazy day!
oh no katie! those are the cool sunglasses we love so much! :(
-ash and jess!
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