When we got into town, Chris and I went to the NC Aquarium. It was no
Monterey Bay, but still a ton of fun. I got to pet sting rays, which was awesome. Some of them were very friendly and kept coming back for more! I did get a little freaked out when one lept halfway out of the pool at me when I wasn't paying attention. Chris wouldn't even get near them - but you all know how much he loves animals...hah
Among some of the cooler animals they had were eels and sharks:

They also had a lot of fun places to take your picture, which we obviously took advantage of:
Fun pictures! I love the last two!
those are some excellent pictures of you and chris! i love petting sting rays--so soothing even though you know they could sting you.
haha those are awesome. do the sting rays in those petting tank have their stingy thing removed?
Wow! Great photos!
Yes they were removed, but apparently they grow back. I guess they have to keep checking so they can get them before they can harm people - but they tell you not to get near the tails anyway to be safe
I'm so jealous! I love the aquarium! Looks like you guys had a blast, and I love the new layout too!
i love the aquarium pictures! i'm headed to the baltimore aquarium next week and really, really hope i can pet the stingrays there :)
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