I really can't stress enough how wonderful and supportive everyone has been after the accident. We have been inundated with cards, visits, thoughtfulness, and even a care package! We have never known such unexpected generosity as we have throughout this experience. Literally - it brings tears to our eyes, and we are SO thankful!

Our wonderful friends got together and sent a care package after the accident :) Included was season 6 of Scrubs - which made Chris just about the happiest I've ever seen him! Especially because we were still facing about 4 more days without cable...
:-) Love you!
....haha also, before I clicked on that picture I thought those were Christmas pillows next to you and a pointsettia behind your head, all of which would go with the Christmas wrapping paper but would also have been very confusing... :-P
I know Scrubs made Chris happy...but I have NEVER seen him smile more than on the day you were married!!
yay i'm glad you liked the package!! i plan to challenge you to battleship next time i'm there.
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