Well, we missed the earthquake that occurred in the DC area a couple days ago because ironically, we were in California! We've spent the week hanging out with family for a west coast reunion. We do this once every three years and it's always a lot of fun.

Once we got into CA, we had to hop on a little plane to get to the lake. I took this picture for a little perspective :) Our plane is the one on the left.

We got to say hello to our pilot and stewardess since there were only 11 people on the entire flight. They were pretty fun.
It was probably the smallest airplane I've ever been on. Chris could definitely not stand up, but he got an exit row seat so he had tons of leg room.
Unfortunately I'm already sitting in the Redding airport right now on our way home from this awesome week. I can't wait for the next one though :)
Safe trvels. We missed you!
those little planes are not my favorite, but it's always worth it when you're going somewhere fun. hope you had a great week!
glad you had a good trip! i had no idea there was an earthquake in DC! was it bad?
Hi there! It was wonderful to meet you on the flight home from San Francisco. I am not usually one to chat about life to complete strangers, but you are easy to talk to and I very much enjoyed the company. It made the traveling go much quicker. In any case, I'd love to keep in touch! :)
oh my that plane is small! glad you guys had a great trip :)
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