
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sometimes it calls for a car ride

We've been making an effort to stay home more often on the weekends for a number of reasons:  plans, gas prices, consistency at church, etc. Additionally, I never look forward to sitting in the car for the 2-3 hours of driving each way that most of our weekend trips involve. However, I have noticed one thing about car trips that comes in handy - they provide a great opportunity to talk things out.

Whenever there are decisions to be made - whether they involve what we're eating for dinner to how we spend our money - they usually involve some form of discussion. Side note:  I haaate deciding what to eat for dinner every night. I don't mind the cooking part and I definitely don't mind the eating part, it's just the deciding!

Someone once told me that she and her man make all their important decisions over dinner at restaurants. They have to speak calmly and rationally and can't get too emotional otherwise they'd cause a scene. Plus the regular interruptions from the waiter give a good opportunity to pause in conversation if things aren't going as planned. Chris and I don't go out to dinner all that often unless we're out with friends, so we haven't tried that method.

For us, I've realized that the car is a perfect place for talking. There are no distractions (tv being a huge distraction when we're home), no interruptions, and no escaping. Plus, due to the inability of escaping, you've got to be pretty civil in your conversations since you'll be trapped for the next few hours no matter how the discussion goes.

How about you? How do you make decisions?


jennie said...

that's brilliant! i do love car rides for the conversations they promote, but have never thought about it specifically for all those reasons. love it!

jennie said...

oh i also love discussing things over coffee. if it gets awkward- take a sip

Elizabeth said...

what an interesting observation! i usually make most of my decisions for myself while driving, and longer car trips are definitely better!

kayla said...

haha when i read "How do you make decisions?", my initial thought was '...I don't?'. Lol. But yeah, I've made the same observation about car rides. :)

maggie said...

ha, this is not the same for us. we make the best decisions when we are at home, relaxed, and over a bottle of wine...