
Thursday, May 19, 2011

The first few days

Well. It's been a busy week so far! I'm not even really sure what to say about these first few days... The drive (to Richmond) is long, the people are nice, the work load (forthcoming) will be much and most likely overwhelming at times, but as I keep telling myself, I can do anything for 18 months, right?

I have to wake up early - something I've never been great at unless it involves excitement and travel (to the beach, on a plane, etc.) - so I've moved my alarm clock to a spot where I have to physically get out of bed to shut it off, much to Chris's chagrin. So far I have been quick, though, and I'll try to keep it that way for his sake :)  Today, my "sleep-in" day this week because I don't have to leave the house until 10:30, I woke up at 7:15, no alarms. This is almost two hours of extra sleep for me! For clinical days (days I work in the hospital), that will be over three hours of extra sleep - these days don't start until the week after next.

I eat breakfast in the car, lunch and breakfast both having been prepared the night before, so I am ready to go by the time I get to the city. The biggest thing I have to complain about is my commute, though I have a lot to be thankful for. Compared to some others, my situation is uncomplicated. There are lots who have kids and have to worry about day care and babysitters, or worse yet, what to do if their kid(s) gets sick and the day care won't take them. I am very glad we don't yet have kids!


jennie said...

sounds like you have a lot to juggle but are handling it well! you can do it!

Elizabeth said...

i am so excited to see you and hear more about this! i can't believe you start clinicals so soon! i have no words of advice about getting up early except that i try to give myself one night off a week of studying, which usually means i go straight to bed at 8. praying for you!!

LA-jan said...

I am excited for you! You can handle this, Katie, I am sure. I just have advice for Chris. . . "be extra loving and supportive, this will be hard for both of you and she will need your support more than ever!"
Humor is the best stress antidote!

Rob said...

Meh, 5:30 isn't that early, you'll adjust! Good luck!

Aunt Michele said...

I can't wait to hear more about everything you will be doing in the next 1 1/2 years! How exciting! Please keep up youe blogs if you can! Have you found a place to stay close yto school when you have late night clinicals???

Aunt Michele said...

Oops pardon the miss-spellings! I didn't proof read first!