
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Words of affirmation

Sweet Jane has entered the tantrum stage. She has such a personality and when she is not throwing a tantrum, she has a contagious smile and is so happy. But she also is pushing boundaries like crazy, has learned to studiously ignore us when she doesn't want to do what she is being asked, and does not seem to be motivated by anything, which is infuriating when you need her to actually do something. Despite this though, she remains so very sweet. I can tell Jane's love language is words of affirmation already. She regularly pays people compliments and makes you feel good about yourself. For example, here some of the things she says to us on a regular basis (with no prompting):

"Cool shirt dad!" or "Cool pants mom!"
"Thanks for making that dinner mama."
"How was you day, dad?" (at the dinner table)
"You look amazing!" (after putting a hat on my head)
"You're my best friend mom." (After sitting down beside me and putting her arm around me)

It is so hard to stay angry at her when she acts so sweet.

Also just because I don't want to forget, here is Jane saying Eleanor's name...Ahn-nah-nah:


Patty said...

Sweet Jane, she is such a love...with a 2-year old disposition. <3

Dorothy said...

Such a sweet girl!