
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Valentine's Day

We had a lovely Valentine's Day this year!

The weekend before, Gaby came down to visit for the day and made and decorated cookies with the girls. 

During the week, Eleanor had a special Valentine's Day party at school called "VIP day" and she got to invite a very important person to her to come. She asked Chris to go! They made bracelets, launched candy hearts using catapults, decorated valentines, had snacks, and created marshmallow towers with toothpicks.

Eleanor had been working really hard on Valentines for a couple weeks to pass out to her classmates, gluing on hearts, decorating the insides with markers and stickers, and painstakingly righting "Love, Eleanor" on every single one's back.

At school they got to pass out all their Valentines and she was so proud! I was pretty surprised by the level of Valentine game most of these moms in her class have. Eleanor had the only homemade valentines in the bunch (but I gave her the option of buying/making and she chose to make them).

We even got a package from Antelope and Uncle Benny for Valentine's Day and the girls were SO excited to open it!

On Valentine's Day, Chris and I each wrote the kids little valentines and the older girls got some candy in their Valentine's Day mailbox.

The girls and I made pink chocolate chip heart pancakes for lunch.

Chris and I spent our Valentine's Day on the couch enjoying the company of our youngest two children. 

Happy Valentine's Day!


Lauren said...

Wow that looks like such a fun week!! I am so impressed with E's valentines and hope she always chooses to go the handmade route ;) I may need to take up the pancake tradition in years to come <3

Dorothy said...

What an awesome Valentines week. So glad you guys could share the love!!!

Patty said...

What a sweet post! I'm so impressed with E writing her name on all those Valentine's and way to go, Katie, for helping her make them. All your traditions are the mailboxes!