
Monday, April 2, 2018

March wrap-up

March was much colder than we had hoped for. I am getting very tired of bundling up four kids four and under. I can't wait until we can just run outside! The heat in these parts is no joke during the summer, but in this stage of life it is so much easier than the cold. In fact, it even snowed this month and it almost never snows in March!

We did bundle up in our pajamas to go to Bruster's for lunch on their customer appreciation day.

Rosie in a laundry basket!

I was able to get to Eleanor's school chapel once this month.

We met friends in Colonial Williamsburg for a picnic.

Eleanor's bubble maker which broke at some point last year inexplicably started working again.

A normal day at our house...

We went to the Chili-con-carnival at a friend's house.

Lots of napping happened this month. I am starting to get very tired of the middle of the night wake ups. I even successfully got the babies to nap together in the crib once!

Ben close up.

Ben is not the biggest fan of the jumper but Rosie loves it because she likes to stand up.

We went to Rita's to get snow cones on the first day of spring.

Jane made a pine cone bird feeder at her "yellow class" during my Bible study day.

The girls love to pretend they are babies and frequently climb into baby apparatuses to do so.

Baby friends during a play date.

The farmers markets have started up again so we've taken more weekend trips to Colonial Williamsburg.

We had a pancake night with friends.

The girls have been dancing and singing on their beds - it's so fun to watch!

Jane picked ALL of the final four correctly on her March Madness bracket, including an 11 seed. We'll see how she fares for the rest of the games but I'm pretty sure she won our family pool.

The babies are surely getting bigger - they almost don't fit side by side in the bouncer anymore. Here they are at 4 1/2 months old!

We went out for an evening to the Virginia Beer Company

And lastly, another video of the twins talking - Rosie is so chatty and Ben just smiles at her!

Here's hoping April is a bit warmer!


Lauren said...

I sure hope the weather starts warming up for you! Love the video of Ben and Rosie talking <3 They're getting so big, I can't wait to hold them!!

Dorothy said...

I love the pictures of the girls singing on the bed and the video. Such a busy month! Amazing how much you guys do!