
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Eleanor's Preschool Graduation

Last week, Eleanor graduated from preschool! Here she is on her last day of school for the 2017-2018 school year:

First day of school (September 2017) and last day of school (May 2018):

My dad and Chris' mom came down for the day for the graduation ceremony. Eleanor had been so excited for weeks! They had been learning songs and practicing a special processional that brought tears to my eyes. They each got to do whatever they wanted as they walked down the aisle and Eleanor did ballet moves. Earlier in the week, they took pictures in a cap and gown and also talked about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Some of the kids' answers were hilarious (a dinosaur, a maid - they really ran the gamut). Eleanor said she wanted to be a ballerina.

Here are videos of the processional and some of the songs they sang, including their preschool prayer that Eleanor likes to say almost every night: 

When they called Eleanor's name (they recognized each kid) they said you could either give the teacher a hug, a handshake, or a high-five. Pretty much every kid gave the teachers a hug...except Eleanor.

Jane also had a great time listening to all the songs during the ceremony.

Eleanor with her "diploma"

Eleanor with Shug and Gaby:

Eleanor with her friend Charlie and her teacher Ms. Cloninger:

After the graduation we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch and then just hung out at the house.

The next day there was an end of year picnic at Eleanor's school. The kids got to play together, there were inflatables to run around on, and Eleanor got to tie-dye a t-shirt.

I can't believe we are entering the official "school age" years in the fall with Eleanor heading off to Kindergarten. She is so ready, I am so excited for her, but it is always so bittersweet to move forward..!


Dorothy said...

I love love love Eleanor's dance. She is growing up so quickly. I glad she had such a great celebration! Thanks for sharing all the videos!

Lauren said...

Hahaha I can't stop laughing at her handshakes - true Eleanor! Congrats girl!!