
Monday, June 11, 2018


The system in our house for artwork has been to tape it up on the kids' doors and then when the door gets full, take a picture of them in front of their door and then take it all down and start over again. We restarted the doors the other week, so here are the girls with their artwork in all its glory.

Eleanor: Eleanor's door includes mostly stuff from preschool. They studied bones and made x-rays of their hands using q-tips (top right), and took a first day of school picture (top middle). For Thanksgiving they made turkeys out of their hands (top middle, a bit lower), and studied their five senses (hand with the fingerprints). They made self portraits (mid right), and studied cowboys and the wild west. They decorated trees for Christmas, made glitter snow scapes in winter, made "wacky trees" (purple, on the right toward the bottom), and made lambs and bunnies for Easter. Eleanor has also been getting very creative with her watercolors (bottom right). Most recently, her class hatched 6 chicks (bottom left)! I've been told their names are Pinkie Pie (the one Eleanor named), Daisy, Rex, Chicky Anna, Peppermint, and Elsa.

Jane: Jane's artwork still mainly consists of coloring, stamping, finger painting or gluing. My favorites are her handprint turkey for Thanksgiving (middle left) and handprint tree for Christmas (below the turkey). I also love her finger painting in orange, yellow and green in the bottom middle!


Lauren said...

Hahaha I love Eleanor's self portrait. And whatever is on the bottom left of Jane's door. They're so creative!

Dorothy said...

Creative little beauties! I love this tradition that we did with you guys as well! Cute!