
Monday, October 22, 2018

Post-dinner, pre-bedtime ride

One of my favorite things to do is walk or bike the trails behind our house. It's actually one of the reasons that we haven't moved - we just love our house and it's location so much. I've actually scouted out which neighborhoods have access to the trails because I just love using them so much. The other night (before Eleanor broke her arm), it was finally cool and Chris was taking Jane to a birthday party so Eleanor and I hit the trails for a post-dinner, pre-bedtime ride (with the babies in tow). It was so fun and special to ride with her while the weather was gorgeous and the sun was setting. We had a great time. We even saw a heron!

This girl is just getting so big and so interesting and I'm loving spending time with her!


Dorothy said...

Such special times! She will treasure them as you do!

Patty said...

Wonderful opportunity to spend with your big girl!