
Saturday, December 22, 2018

More Christmas activities

Our small group celebrated Christmas together one morning with a brunch and knick-knack exchange. We also finally got a full small group picture together, as well as one with all the kids!

Eleanor's class had a holiday party that we went to, complete with cookie decorating, coloring, crafting, and bingo. Eleanor's class baked gingerbread cookies earlier in the week and then they came to life and escaped off the pan. They had to go on a scavenger hunt around the school, make a plan, create maps, and finally found them, decorated, and ate them. It sounded very fun!

Jane's class also got to visit with Santa, make gingerbread houses, and do a nativity.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

The is a BIG small group! The gingerbread men hunt sounded like fun. Great school activities!