
Monday, January 28, 2019

A couple new tricks!

A few new things the kids are doing, just for a general update:

Jane: She learned how to write her name! The other day she came home with this picture from preschool. It was a portrait of our family with her name (backwards "J" and all) written at the top. Here's how she described it: "That's daddy! And that's you mama! That's Ben, and Rosie, and someone else's baby, and then Eleanor, and that's me!" We must have other people's kids over too frequently that Jane just thinks they belong here now, hah!

Ben: learned how to pull up to stand! He's only done it a few times now (the first being on New Years Day), but we at least know he's able. It's still very difficult for him to do so he doesn't do it often, but still making progress! He is also regularly saying, "mama," "more," "dada," and "ball."

Rosie: is learning how to stand without holding on to things! She particularly loves to practice with Eleanor. Eleanor will pull her up into standing and then just stand there and wait and Rosie will slowly pull her hands off and stand there with a smug look on her face before grabbing back on to Eleanor before she falls.


Patty said...

Yay Jane on spelling your name! Love Ben's choice of movies to dance to; and Rosie looks so pleased with herself!!

Dorothy said...

Precious moments! Love this! I like how they say by by to dad in the morning too!