
Thursday, January 31, 2019

January wrap-up

January and February are typically my least favorite months of the year, but this year I really felt like we needed January to recover from the holidays.

Jane and Eleanor emerged from their room one morning with the rail off Jane's bed saying, "She's a big girl now! She doesn't need this!" I'm not sure how they got it off, but off it has stayed.

The girls have been doing a couple science experiments that they got in their stocking.

The other day Jane rode in the carrier that I usually only use for the babies on the way to the bus stop. I had just woken her up from her nap late and we needed to hustle to the bus stop. Anyone that wakes a sleeping 3 year old knows that they don't hustle after nap time so carrier it was.

The trampoline is absolutely Ben and Rosie's favorite spot in the house at the moment. They love climbing up on it and bouncing on their bottoms, or in Rosie's case, she loves to stand up holding onto the doll house and bounce on her feet.

I made four-berry jam the other day. I did this last year in the winter and it was so nice to have jam and bread with afternoon tea!

Rosie has, without fail, decided to poop every single time I put her down for a nap, so she spends nap time awake until I get her up and then falls asleep at inopportune times because she's so exhausted.

Eleanor asked us to visit her at lunchtime one day, so we went! It was nice to be able to see her in the middle of the day.

The girls in a shopping cart.

Our neighbors have started babysitting their friends' kids a couple afternoons a week while one of the parents is deployed, bringing in some new playmates for Eleanor and Jane.

My big girl at the bus stop on a freezing cold morning.

Jane loves working in the kitchen. She is constantly asking to help me make dinner or bake. I love it!

We biked through CW with friends - the first time Jane has biked with no training wheels down there!

Eleanor and Jane have been finger painting recently. It is messy.

The babies can stand! (Leaning against a cabinet, of course.)

I put the babies on the swings for the first time in awhile since it's been cold and they loved it!

Grandma came down to visit and watch the kids while I worked for a couple days. The girls absolutely love it when they have the day with her and as soon as she leaves start asking when she's coming back, hah!

Princess Rosie!

The babies getting into trouble.

Overall, this month was full of sickness (almost every kid was sick, and some more than once!). We stayed inside a lot given that it seems like someone was always sick. I'm looking forward to February and hopefully healthier little humans!


Patty said...

Such great pictures! I especially love Jane in the kitchen and Princess Rosie!! How nice you got to have lunch with E in school; she's getting so big!

Dorothy said...

Princess Rosie is precious! Love the jam for your afternoon tea, so good! I love the babies getting into trouble too. Cute!

Lauren said...

These wrap-ups are my favorite! Jane is such a big girl, first her bike and now her bed. It's so sweet to see how much the babies are playing together!