
Thursday, February 21, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a lovely and quiet Valentine's Day this year. Both of the girls had class parties and had been working on their Valentines for at least 2 weeks. Jane painstakingly wrote her name on the back of 18 valentines and Eleanor wrote her entire batch of 24 herself (including her own spelling of "Happe Vellintints Day," each kid's name from her class, and her own name on the back). Chris got all of us flowers that morning, too.

During Jane's class party in the morning, I took the babies in for their 15 month check up (not their favorite morning) both wearing red.

Then that afternoon we got to go to Eleanor's school for her class party.

We came home and had french toast for dinner, which the babies loved, and so did everyone else!

Happy Valentine's Day!


Dorothy said...

Much love all around! Eleanor's picture of the bird on the tree was cute! Very impressive that they wrote out their cards. Wow! Love you guys!

Patty said...

This is so precious. Love that you always celebrate the love you all have for each other and that Chris got you roses!!! LOVED E's cardinal in the tree!