
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Pizza Picnic

We had a few days of nice weather last week and ended up going to the river for the first time this year one afternoon. It also happened to be "pi day" so we picked up pizzas on the way to picnic.

Ben spent the whole time exploring...

And Rosie spent the whole time eating. If you look, she has pizza in her mouth in pretty much every picture. As soon as she finished her pizza she started eating sand.

The girls played in the sand...

It was a beautiful evening and I can't wait for more!


Dorothy said...

What a great beach day! Love Ben's explorations and everyone seemed to have a great time!

Patty said...

This looks like such a lovely evening! Would love to go with you again!! Love all the pics and Ben and Rosie looked so happy! How wonderful that warmer weather is finally arriving!