
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Read Across America week

Last week at Eleanor's school was "Read Across America" week. They had themes every day where kids got to dress up, and unfortunately I forgot to take a picture every day, but I remembered a few. The first day was career day, and unfortunately I was working and completely forgot to help Eleanor get her career together. Fortunately everyone helped her improvise and she came home stating that she was the only one in her class with more than one career. She picked four: a hairdresser (because she had lots of bows in her hair), a ballerina (because she was wearing tights), a mommy (because she has three younger siblings, I'd imagine), and a cowgirl (because she was wearing cowboy boots). This girl has ambition, hah! I felt terrible for missing Monday, but we made up for it the rest of the week.

The second day was crazy sock day.

Wednesday was wacky day.

Thursday was Lorax day - everyone was supposed to wear green to show their concern for the environment and bring a book in for a giant book swap.

The last day was crazy hat day to celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday. Eleanor wore a pink cowboy hat (which I forgot to get a picture of. It was a super fun week at school for her and for us! Even Jane dressed wacky on wacky Wednesday (though she got a few funny looks since her class wasn't participating since she goes to a different school, hah)!


Dorothy said...

Oh such fun! She has great flair

Patty said...

Aww...I remember these days! Absolutely love the hair!!! Eleanor looks like a very happy kindergartener!!