
Thursday, March 14, 2019

School pictures 2018-2019

So I feel a bit guilty, but we didn't order the kids school pictures this year. They were adorable, but for the cost of just ordering one of each, we could have hired a professional photographer to take pictures of our family (all of us! Separate and together!) and I just couldn't justify the cost. Here are the kids proofs though. I had asked Eleanor to take off her sling for the picture but her teachers wouldn't let her. Oh well!

And the pictures we took of Eleanor:

And these people are miracle workers - seriously, how did they get Jane to smile that nicely??

And the picture we took of Jane:

And Eleanor's spring pictures:

And the spring picture we took of Eleanor:


Dorothy said...

Oh wow. I like the ones you took of them both so much more. Great work mom and dad!!

Patty said...

It's nice you can resist falling into the trap! We always ordered the very minimum and then scanned and printed. I'm sure things are crazy more expensive now!