
Thursday, May 2, 2019

April wrap-up

April was a crazy month for us. Between spring break, a family wedding in town, One Tribe One Day, and other events, we were slammed every week and are ready for a break!

Eleanor learned how to do the monkey bars!

We mulched our yard - 9 yards worth of it!

Eleanor wrote a book and read it to her class.

Rosie helped me cook.

The babies entertained themselves in the swing.

We went to the park.

Eleanor started playing volleyball.

Eleanor and Jane have been loving wearing some of their outfits from my grandparents!

We had a couple very very special visitors - our friends who moved to North Carolina and Florida! It was so great to be able to see them!

We went to Bluebird Gap Farm in Hampton.

Rosie practiced scooting like a big girl.

We had a tree limb break and had to saw it down with the help of a local community helper.

Rosie thinks she learned to jump and it's adorable.

All the kids walked to the bus stop the other day.

Ben and his daddy being silly.

Jane wrote her name on the wall with sharpie - something we still haven't fixed (and which she also denied!).

We went to Oozlefinch Brewery down near the bay and enjoyed a nice afternoon while the girls pestered a man to fly his kite!

Chris is teaching the girls how to play poker.

Rosie is regularly making a mess with cereal. We need to move it to a location she can't reach!


Patty said...

Oh my goodness, so much info in one post! I can't believe Ben made it all the way to the bus stop. He must have been tired! So many cute pics! That pic of Rosie and Ben on the driveway...ha ha!! LOVE all of these!!

Dorothy said...

These are all so cute! Awesome updates! Love the slides and the monkey bars and they are all growing up!!! Laughing at this post!