
Monday, June 24, 2019

Eleanor's Kindergarten year is over!

We completely lucked out with our foray into the school world. Eleanor's elementary school was a great fit for her and us, and she got maybe the most amazing teacher in the school. We are so thankful for such a great year and are actually sad it's over! Her last day of school was a board game day and she had fun playing games. She said her favorite was Operation. She also got to visit a first grade class to see what that might be like in the fall. She also had a class party the last week of school.

First and last day - dressed in the same outfit!

Last day!

The bus stop and Eleanor with her bus driver Ms. Renee:

We decided to make a celebratory cake on the last day of school in the afternoon.

We also ran out of sugar halfway through, so Eleanor got to fly solo on her bike (with our walkie-talkies) across the neighborhood to a neighbor's house to borrow sugar. She was very careful and did a great job! And she was so excited for the independence. Can't believe she'll be turning 6 at the end of this summer!

Eleanor's class picture:

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Way to go! She is a helper!