
Thursday, June 6, 2019

Preschool 2018-2019 - Jane's last day

Jane finished preschool right before Memorial Day weekend. She has had a great year. We had wonderful teachers - one of whom retired at the end of this year and the other Eleanor had as a teacher last year in the 4s class. Jane will be moving up to the 4s class in September!

Jane with Mrs. Zimak

Jane with Mrs. Salehi

We had a family picnic, a video of Jane's class, Jane got to tie-dye a t-shirt, and then the end of school happened! Jane grew so much this first year of preschool. We opted to put Jane in two years of preschool instead of one like Eleanor just because we had the twins and we knew she would need a little more attention than she was getting at home and she thrived! She learned lots of her letters, some of their sounds, made friends, and did a whole lot of playing.

And just to comment on Memorial Day weekend - we had a great one! We joined a community pool this summer so Eleanor could do swim team and we went every single day of the weekend. We had P.O.E.T.S. at the park with our neighborhood on Friday, grilled with Lauren and Ashleigh on Saturday, grilled with Lauren and Eric on Sunday, and had a small group wrap-up barbecue on Monday. It was a great way to spend the weekend. I actually didn't take a single picture, though!


grammy said...

I wish I had her hair. Beautiful!!!

Patty said...

So proud of her growth this year! And you are so blessed to have such a sweet and loving preschool!

Dorothy said...

She is so cute! Glad she had such a wonderful year!