
Monday, August 12, 2019

Round Hill

We went to Round Hill for vacation this summer and spent time with family.

We spent a ton of time in the pool (which I didn't get many pictures of because of the water) and Jane grew so much as a swimmer! Eleanor also learned to dive. We also played lots of games like One Night, Monopoly, Concept, and Code Names. We finished a 2000 piece puzzle.

We made s'mores.

We took a stroll down by the river.

We had some slow, but early mornings.

We went to Great Country Farms.

The guys went to a local brewery.

The girls made up a play in the attic and made us all come up and watch it. There was a second performance for Uncle Benny and Dave that night, who missed the first one.

Grandma took the girls out to the watermelon and pumpkin patch. Jane ended up with a tick, but that was less traumatic than Eric and I getting stung by bees on our feet.

Otherwise we just spent a lot of time hanging out. It was a great week! Thanks for having us!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Love summer vacations!!! Thank you for coming. It was awesome time. I especially enjoyed my story bedtimes with E and J! Plus the girls show in the attic was sweet!