
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

August wrap-up

Well all, we moved! More on this soon, but we've been without internet for a bit and I will be busy catching up... for now, the rest of August:

August was a busy month for us. We closed on our new house and started and finished the majority of the renovations that we were doing prior to moving in. I have spent most of my "free time" (after we put the kids to bed) painting the bedrooms at the new house. We put our current house on the market and sold it. (Tears! I have loved this house! Such a bittersweet feeling.) Work for Chris was thankfully much slower, enabling him to help with a lot of the housing stuff. And, after over six years at my job, I resigned. (Also very bittersweet. It was a decision I know is right for our family for the time being, but didn't make it easier to make!)

I volunteered in the church nursery this month.

Eleanor made a mess with bubbles one afternoon.

We had our swim team end of season celebration.
 (Eleanor with her swim buddy, Dani.)
(Eleanor with her coaches - random swim team kid, Coach Topher, Coach Anne, Coach Katrina, and Coach Caitlin.)

We took a trip to Busch Gardens.

Papa Laser came down one day to help us work on the new house.

The kids signed their names on the subfloor of the new house in the kitchen before floors started going in.

Both Ben and Rosie colored all over our couches with marker on subsequent days.

We went to my friend's house at the river to play one morning before a storm rolled in.

Ben got his first goose egg on his head when he was having a massive tantrum one day (which unfortunately have started for him and seem so out of character for our generally happy boy).

The babies have started a baby book club.

One day we went for a bike ride and had to seek shelter when a storm rolled in abruptly and lightning started crashing down on top of us. When we got back (soaked, after the storm had passed), lightning had struck the tree in our front yard and the bark had exploded all over the yard.

The girls built a unicorn house at the park one afternoon - it was quite creative.

We went to Water Country one day.

We attended a bike rodeo.

We made crab cakes with crab from our friend's river.

We took some end of summer bike rides out to picnic by the ferry.

Eleanor got to explore her new elementary school, before she was due to start in September.

The babies got into the phany pack craze. And also, how do you spell that? Fany pack? Phany pack?

And we had a few cases of sister snuggles before Eleanor disappeared off to school.

As you can see, it was a fairly eventful month for us and September will likely be eventful, too, with the start of school and moving. Here's to hoping we have time to have some fun in the midst of all these changes!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

It has been a busy month! You have so many changes with the move. It's been fun Watching and helping with the move!!