
Monday, September 16, 2019

Back to School 2019-2020

Eleanor started FIRST grade this year and Jane started her second and last year of preschool in the 4 year old Crocs class.

First we had Eleanor's open house... she got to explore her new school, meet her teacher (who so far, we like very much!), and check out her new classroom.

Then she had her first day of school! We had to drive her to her bus stop the first week because we weren't living in our new house yet, but she has already made friends in her class, on the bus, and at her stop. Plus we like her bus driver, so that is an added bonus!

Then we had Jane's open house...Jane got to meet her teachers (one of which was Eleanor's in Crocs two years ago and we love her!), and check out her new classroom.

And then Jane was off to preschool!

Her first day:

So far everyone's first days and weeks have been going smoothly. The girls like their teachers, classes, and schools so far, and we are praying for that to continue as we continue with our seemingly constant changes this month!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Wonderful new beginnings!! Such cuties... good luck for a great school year ahead.