
Monday, September 30, 2019

September wrap-up

September! School started, summer ended (except for the weather), we moved into a new house, and started adjusting to life in a new location.

Rosie is so eager to start riding a bike.

The babies enjoyed their last swing at the old house before we took the swing down.

Sibling snuggle time.

We did a loooot of moving but not a lot of packing.

Eleanor and Jane were invited to a birthday party where they got to ride a unicorn - as you can tell, Jane was a little less than thrilled!

The babies like to hold hands while they nurse which is kind of adorable.

We explored a bit of the river in our neighborhood one evening.

We're getting used to the deer that are constantly in our yard!

We went out to a friends house on the river one evening to watch some Tribe swimmers swim the James. A few of them sang happy birthday to Jane.

We rode our bikes to church again from our new house, though it is a bit farther now! The babies fell asleep on the way home.

Rosie climbed all the way up a slide at the park the other day - I was pretty impressed!

 I did a little bit of plumbing work and was kind of proud of myself!

The babies are loving all the boxes sitting around the house.

The babies have loved coloring recently and try to copy their older sisters by laying on the ground while they do it.

Auntie Ashleigh came down for a visit one weekend since she lives so close! We made it down to the river just in time to catch the sunset.

Ben is doing his best to keep up with his sisters but sometimes they leave him out.

I got to go to Eleanor's back to school night and found this outside her classroom. So cute.

I got to celebrate Jane's birthday with her at preschool.

Chris was able to get away for a fantasy football/guys weekend around Labor Day.

We made some fall-flavored scones.

I started tackling clearing the backyard, but haven't gotten very far. It's going to be a long process, for sure!

Shug came down to visit for the day and watch the girls play soccer.

Chris got to go to Eleanor's school for P.E. with a parent day.

We played at a neighbor's house on their inflatable slide.

Uncle Rob and Auntie Mollie stopped by to visit while they were in town for a wedding.

The kids have been very into coloring recently. Though sometimes it ends up on surfaces I am not thrilled about.

The rest of September was spent with various organizational and cosmetic projects, like painting, unpacking, installing closet shelving, new light fixtures, putting hardware into the bathrooms, and generally just settling in. It's been a bit of a whirlwind, but we are starting to really feel settled (even though we still have LOTS to do!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Love the pic of the babies coloring on the floor, and poor Ben in the garage! Congrats on the plumbing skills! That is a lot of deer in the yard! Glad the new house is starting to feel like home!!!