
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Homecoming 2019

Last weekend was William & Mary's Homecoming. As usual, Chris was working the majority of the weekend, but we did get to meet up with him at the parade Friday afternoon and for a quick dinner at the where he hosted an event on campus. 

The kids all picked out their outfits to wear early that morning:

The kids loved the parade! Chris's float:

In between the parade and dinner we hung out in the Sunken Gardens and the kids rolled down the hill over and over again.

After dinner we headed back home for bed. The rest of the weekend went smoothly for Chris, but we are glad it's over! I feel like I could use another weekend after it ended.

1 comment:

Patty said...

I love every single one of these pictures!!! Go TRIBE!! the kids look so aorble in all their green 7 gold, and so happy!!