
Monday, November 25, 2019

Baby Shower for Auntie Lo!

One of the huge benefits to Lauren moving back to the east coast is that we get to be more a part of her every day life! She is due next month with her first baby and we were thrilled to host a shower for her and get to meet some of her friends here in town. It was a blast and I am so thankful both for the occasion and opportunity to be a part of it.

Lauren with her small group and then college friends and then everyone together:

Playing some games and opening gifts:


The guys joined us afterward:

We had such a great time and were so thankful to be a part of this special occasion. We can't wait to meet our niece - hopefully next month!


LA-jan said...

Nice post. Hope they will be able to be home for Thanksgiving!

Dorothy said...

This was such a fun wonderful party. Could not believe Alicia came from Colorado and Jesse from Richmond to see Lauren! So many good friends were there. It was fun!