
Thursday, November 7, 2019


This was our first Halloween in the new house and new neighborhood. Typically I am opposed to going to multiple trick-or-treating events, but this year it looked like Halloween day was going to be rained out, so we took the kids trick-or-treating on campus at W&M a couple days before. It's an event the fraternities put on for kids and was crowded but fun. Chris met us right after work to join in.

We also ran into Eleanor's kindergarten teacher again! This time with Eleanor, so she was very excited to see her!

Both girls had parades and little parties on Halloween day at their schools.

And that night, the rain held off! We went trick or treating with one of my friends and a couple of Eleanor's friends and it was a blast! One of our neighbors offers a hayride all night long and the kids (particularly Ben) was very excited about it. Eleanor was Mal (from Descendents), Jane was Cinderella, and Ben wore his lederhosen and Rosie her dirndl.

Antelope and Uncle Benny came to trick-or-treat with us, too!

True to form, Eleanor ran ahead with her friends, Rosie was very into it, and Jane gave up after about 5-10 houses and rode in the stroller. Ben seemed to be into it but he also rode in the stroller a lot of the way. We had so much fun!

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Great costumes and Rosie and Ben are adorable. Love the lederhosen and dirndl! Such a busy fun Halloween for you guys!