
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Celebrating Christmas (part 3)

The next day (the 27th), my family came down to celebrate Christmas together. Rosie and I made pizza together!

Everyone arrived that evening and we ate food and were able to get a cousin picture before bed!

We were on everyone else's time this morning (one of the reasons we decided not to celebrate on Christmas Day since not everyone wants to wake up and get going at 6:30 am!), did stockings in the morning and had cinnamon rolls and an egg casserole.

We exchanged gifts and made a mess.

We lazed about.

And then got ourselves together and took a walk.

We played more games that evening and just had a great time hanging out all together.

We truly had a very fun Christmas this year and were so thankful to be able to host and for everyone's travel efforts so we could still spend time together. Merry Christmas, everyone!


Dorothy said...

It was great to be together! Thanks for having us there!

Patty said...

Commenting on all THREE Christmas posts! I agree with was so wonderful! Family is the best and it made me so happy we could all be together! Your pics did a wonderful job of captuuring the love and joy!! We are so blessed!