
Monday, January 13, 2020

Jane's first haircut

I have not wanted to cut Jane's hair because she has these beautiful curls on the ends that she was born with. Everyone who sees her says she has movie star hair. It really is so beautiful! I was afraid after we cut the curls off they'd be gone forever. At this point though, I cant brush her hair while she's sitting down anymore because it is past her bottom so it was time to cut it.




The lady cutting Jane's hair said she was so patient and sweet that she gifted Jane two Elsa wet brushes - one for her and one for her big sister! She really did do fantastically!

Jane's hair still has a ton of body and wave, but the curls are gone! So sad. It was definitely time though.

While we were there, I also got my hair cut. I hadn't gotten my hair cut in over 2 years, simply because it was hard to arrange childcare to do it. Two years ago I had two friends volunteer to help watch the kids (one came with me to watch the twins who were 3 weeks old at the time and one volunteered to help watch the older girls). I also cut off something like 14 inches to donate.

Great fresh start to a new year!


Patty said...

Both of you look great and love the pic of you both holding your cut hair! I am so proud of Jane for doing such a great job!!

Dorothy said...

You both look GREAT! You will back there in 2 years!

LA-jan said...

Gorgeousness! Betcha her curls come back soon after the hair gets over the shock. Terry's does that.