
Monday, March 23, 2020

Early quarantining

So as most of everyone is aware, the schools in our area are shut down. Our county was one of the epicenters in the state early on and the first death from this disease (in our state) occurred in our city, so we were supposed to start quarantining essentially starting Friday. Our school district sent out guidelines for each class year and we will be homeschooling for the foreseeable future (though officially they are only closed 2 weeks at this point).

Thankfully for us, most of this has all gone over Jane's head. Eleanor is absorbing more, but we are trying to keep things light-hearted and silly. The other day during naps, the girls had created gas masks to prevent coronavirus and came down to show us their "protection."

Eleanor did share her diary entry, which lets me know she is definitely thinking about this...

Our church streamed a service since they weren't having one in person.

And we created a bead system for behavior to eliminate or at least reduce some of our more challenging parts of the day (namely Jane getting dressed in the morning and Jane's meltdowns).

We started homeschooling this past week, so keeping up with the blog is taking a bit of a backseat with these new changes at home, but hopefully I'll still be able to post. It helps me keep my pictures organized and everyone updated!


Dorothy said...

Good luck! This is no small task!

Patty said...

Love how they added to the bead list!!