
Monday, March 2, 2020

February wrap-up

February started out smooth and ended a little rockier. It was fairly uneventful at first and then toward the end of the month, Chris tore his Achilles' tendon and also had a week long trip to Texas. He is still non-weight bearing on the affected side, but we are hoping he will not have to have surgery (it is still partially attached) and will move into a walking boot later in March.

Eleanor had a day off from school and decided to make pretzels. I was pretty impressed. They came out fairly well. She had lots of help (though she doesn't admit it!) 

The girls have been enjoying playing dress up. They keep sticking Rosie in dresses that are too big for her and she isn't able to walk, which is funny until it's not funny anymore.

We went to a painting birthday party and the Rosie and Ben left a mess everywhere.

We did the Home Depot workshop again this month and Ben and Rosie also participated this time. They really enjoyed it!

Our old neighbors are moving - he got orders earlier than expected and they are headed off on a new adventure. Even though we haven't lived next door to them since September, they still have been the best neighbors we've ever had! Ben even made up secret handshakes with the girls before he left.

We started exploring a new playground in a neighborhood next to ours.

The girls are still enjoying playing winter soccer.

Small group is going well - and we have loved being able to share in the hosting duties again since getting a little more space in our new house.

Jane fell asleep sitting up on the couch the other day.

Eleanor had global play day at school and got to bring in a toy from home to share with her friends. She loved bringing in stuff from home!

Ben has been singing "Jesus loves me" and it is so cute!

The kids have been building magnet tile towers bigger than themselves!

Ben and Rosie have been a little extra clingy recently.

Ben has started filling up his own water bottle.

The twins are still waking up early in the morning. I'm not sure any of our kids will ever sleep in!

Jane has been doing some climbing and unfortunately Ben and Rosie have also caught on.

A few pictures from Chris's tendon injury. My favorite one is of Ben - he has started leaning against counters holding his leg in the air just like his dad. Imitation at its finest!

A relatively common occurrence in our house these days...Ben has found out how to use pockets and I find cars in the laundry with relative frequency.

Jane got to learn about firefighters at school the other day. And just for kicks I'm including this video of her sharing her letters from about one year ago, since it's somewhat relevant and cute!

Chris headed to Texas for a week for work. We survived, and actually did pretty well at home! It was his longest trip away since the twins were born.

Onward to March...and ideally spring! I am tired of bundling little people.


LA-jan said...

Love those little voices in the videos!

Dorothy said...

Hope Chris is better! Nice to have that big room for the kids. Cute pics!