
Thursday, April 23, 2020


We've been looking for isolated outdoor things in town to do and decided to explore campus last week. We started out near Swem and the sundial.

We then headed to Barrett (my freshman dorm) and sat on the back portico in rocking chairs for awhile. The girls then headed out and climbed the tree off the back deck.

We saw the statue of Thomas Jefferson and sat in the lavender. 
We explored the echo area near the Tyler garden.

And then headed through the Sunken Gardens, introduced the kids to the hidden statues of the boy and girl in the meadow, and crossed the Crim Dell Bridge.

Then we walked back to our car and headed home. It was a great way to explore campus, but a little eerie for it to be so empty. 


LA-jan said...

Well, setting a record for the earliest campus tour!! Can't get started too early, LOL!

Dorothy said...

I remember all those spots. I bet that was fun. Such great pics!

Patty said...

Such a beautiful campus - I miss walking there!