
Monday, October 19, 2020

Evenings at the river

These pictures were mostly from the spring, but I found them and wanted to remember this wonderful time! When COVID first hit, Chris took the girls down to the river most evenings to play with friends, watch the sunset, and just love where we live. Also, there is a gazebo down at our marina and I wanted to remember the time that Jane called it the "Bazeego," hah!!

Eventually as summer came on, it stayed light too long so we had to stop going for a season. While our schedule was very relaxed, the kids weren't sleeping in later in the morning so we had to get back to a decent bedtime. Hopefully we'll be able to go down a few times in the fall (before it gets dark too early) and then again as the days get longer in the spring. It was so much fun!


Dorothy said...

What wonderful times! I bet they remember these special nights with Dad:)

Patty said...

These pics are just amazing! You are blessed to have the marina!