
Monday, April 13, 2020

Marina is open for now

All public beaches in Virginia are closed for now, but luckily we have a private beach in our neighborhood. That being said, the neighborhood said it would remain open only as long as people are safely social distancing. It's pretty easy now that the weather is still pretty cool, but I imagine as soon as the weather gets warm and becomes crowded, it will end up shutting down. As for now, we're using it as much as possible to enjoy it while we still can. We've been walking or biking down several days a week to play in the sand. 

The other day we went down to the marina during a high tide, which inspired Eleanor to learn about tides and the moon (current science topic). She can now tell you all about the moon's positioning and what it does to the water in our areas. So interesting.


Dorothy said...

That high tide is dramatic since the last time I was there and the where pushing the sand around with the bobcat. Would love to hear E's understanding of the tides!

Lauren said...

Smart girl! I love her giant bow too :)

Dorothy said...

What a great Easter weekend! Those bows are cute!