
Monday, April 20, 2020

Social distance biking

We realized we could effectively social distance while biking with friends, so the girls have been trying to do longer routes to get to friends' houses to ride with them. The other day we decided to attempt Jamestown Island. We started out early...

We met up with friends once we hit the trails leading to the parkway.

Then we started the island loop.

We took a break at Blackbeard point - the tip of the island. There's a little beach area there.

The twins actually did surprisingly well in the trailer playing with their babies.

Overall the girls ended up doing over 16 miles. It took us 5 hours all together with stops and a picnic lunch, but I was impressed!


Patty said...

I am so impressed with Jane and Eleanor! It likely helped that they had friends to go along with to spur each other on! And you Katie...that's quite a workout towing Ben and Rosie! Good for all of you! I can't wait to come down and go riding with you all!!

LA-jan said...

Amazing girls!

Dorothy said...

So impressed that Jane and Eleanor made it that far. Glad you found a way to spend a day with friends in a safe way:)