
Monday, May 4, 2020

Bike riding

We have been doing a ton of bike riding recently. Before this all hit, the farthest the girls had ever ridden without stopping for a long break was somewhere between 3 and 4 miles. Now the farthest they've ridden (both of them!) is 16.6 miles. I really didn't know those types of rides would be possible with a 4 and 6 year old, but when you've got all the time in the world on your hands, you might as well try! We've been riding a lot on both Jamestown Island and the Colonial Parkway - both currently shut down to cars. We've also been riding on the Capital Trail, the Powhatan Creek Trail, and into our old neighborhood to say hi to friends. I'm really very impressed with Eleanor and Jane's stamina!

These two have also been holding up fairly well, though occasionally they fight back here. They also play, laugh, and get silly. Like this time where when we stopped, they had both taken off their shoes and Rosie had put Ben's on her feet, and Ben had put Rosie's on his hands, haha!


LA-jan said...

Ben and Rosie are too cute for words!
Love that bike extension!

Dorothy said...

I can't stop smiling!!! That is so cute. Good for E and J! So glad I got to join in on the Mother's Day ride!

Patty said...

I have to get down for a bike ride before it gets too hot!!! I am so impressed with Eleanor and Jane's abilities!! Ben and Rosie in that carrier...reminds me of two others!!