
Monday, May 25, 2020

Hiking and walking

More and more walking/hiking is what we've been up to! We checked out a new trail that leads from deep in Colonial Williamsburg to the back of Busch Gardens (we didn't make it nearly that far, but when I checked on a map, that's where it led). 

It had a beautiful bridge/overlook of a little creek off the James.

Eleanor dissected a flower bud to see what was inside.

We headed back to still relatively empty CW to walk around and do more garden exploring. The kids are really loving the gardens!

They've run through this maze so many times I think they have it memorized.

Our area officially moved into phase 1 on May 14, so these places are starting to become a little more trafficked, but overall we've still been loving being out!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Enjoy it while you can! Wonderful place to explore...