
Monday, June 15, 2020

Riding the Capital Trail

One of my goals for this year was to ride the Capital Trail from Richmond to Williamsburg. I had texted a group of people, of which 7 decided to join in. We had a date planned in February and a back-up date planned for March. Well it snowed the night before we were supposed to ride in February so we had to cancel last minute, and then the week before our March date happened, the Coronavirus struck our area and everything shut down. We didn't feel super positive about all riding up to Richmond together so we cancelled again and postponed. Then recently, we decided to get it together again at the end of May. Only 3 of us could go, but we really wanted to try before it got too hot out. The weather was perfect - sunny and a high of 72 degrees. 

My sister-in-law Ashleigh met us on the Richmond side - she rode a 25 mile ride (12.5 with us and then headed back home).

It really was an amazing day and an amazing ride. I had a great time and can't wait to do it again!

Chris got the kids organized and made signs for us all! We ended up coming around a corner about half way through our ride and seeing them all standing there cheering for us. It was a great pick me up and so sweet!

We stopped at Cul's in Charles City for lunch.

And then as we got closer, instead of riding to our front doors, we decided to keep riding all the way to Billsburg Brewery (the end of the trail). Here we are at mile marker 0!

All in all we rode 50.93 miles in just about 4 hours and 45 minutes. It was a really, really fun day and a great accomplishment!


Dorothy said...

Nice ride! I would love to do that with you sometime! Can't believe Chris had the kids cheer you sweet! Nice work Katie!

Patty said...

Great job Katie and so glad you could end up at Billsburg!! So kind of Chris to take the kids and make the signs!!