
Monday, July 20, 2020

Duck beach 2020

We had almost no plans this summer so a few weeks ago, Chris got online to see if he could find us a place to go at a nearby beach. While I was at the pool one afternoon, he booked a place in the Outer Banks and last week we headed down for a few days.

The first day we got there it was supposed to rain so we went to Chris's parents' unit (the rented a place the same time as us!) and played at the indoor water park that was there. Everyone had lots of fun on the slide particularly.

After the water slide we headed to check out our house for the week!

It was really cute and had an open living plan with rooms on the outsides.

The first night we put the twins down for bed and headed down to check out the beach around sunset.

We did a little ghost crabbing with the girls.

The mornings were so nice. The girls went outside and caught baby frogs in buckets which they really enjoyed.

Here is one of the baby frogs Jane caught - they both had tons by the end of the morning, but made sure to let them go before we headed down to the beach in the morning.

We did some boogie boarding.

We ate lots of snacks.

We played in the sand.

Eleanor buried herself in the sand.

We did lots of napping on the beach.

We caught jellyfish.

Played with family.

Did a puzzle (well, I did a puzzle).

Flew kites...briefly.

Played in the sand more.

Read lots of books.

Ate good food.

Played some cards (euchre).

Played in the waves.

Sat in the shade.

And just generally enjoyed spending time at the beach as a family.

It's good to be home, but we had a great time!


Dorothy said...

Looks like a great time! Both fun and relaxing! Those are adorable pictures of Rosie! And E and R reading books!!! Naps on the beach....Yes! Did it sting to touch the jellyfish? I love that you got to go to the beach!!! Nice to spend time with family!

LA-jan said...

Oh! So envious of all that normalsy!
Miss that stuff!

Patty said...

It was a wonderful, short, 4 days together!! Wish we could all have stayed longer and so grateful how it turned impromptu!