
Thursday, July 2, 2020

June wrap-up

June was a crazy month of figuring out new expectations. Things are starting to open back up in Virginia, but we're all starting to realize that "normal" is completely different than what used to be. At the same time, other states that opened a bit earlier are starting to shut back down, so we're thankful for a reprieve knowing it's likely that we'll be heading back into a shut down in some form or another soon. Our public library is finally starting to do curbside pick ups so we can get new books. School plans are starting to come out and they are not looking great. We're still mostly avoiding stores, but getting together outside with people all the time in groups. We even finally got some new neighbors across the street! We've been trying to have as much fun as possible as the weather gets hotter and hotter and indoor spaces are not open. 

Rosie wearing a cute outfit.

Eleanor had a virtual field trip to cap off her 1st grade Disney World with her class!

Ben has been doing some planking with me. Teaching proper form...

Rosie has been learning to climb trees.

The pool is finally open!

We made crayons out of all our broken pieces.

Everyone got new goggles this year.

Jane has been working on diving.

Eleanor, Jane, and I are reading the Ickabog as it comes out. J.K. Rowling is releasing a couple chapters at a time of a new children's book and we are enjoying following along! Eleanor illustrated part of the book.

Eleanor also got a new bike after we went on a 7 mile ride and her chain fell off fourteen times.

Ben and Rosie have been practicing their somersaulting.

Jane has been practicing her backstroke.

Jane had her first sleepover. The girls went together.

We made a few Father's Day videos for church! 

Rosie got caught in her clothes the other day trying to get undressed.

Rosie has been learning to put on her clothes (notice a theme?).

Eleanor and Jane had their first jetski rides the other day at the marina.

First day of swim team happened this month - Jane's first year and Eleanor's second. The coaches aren't allowed in the water this year so things look a little different, but they're doing great. This year they had to be able to swim a 25 unassisted to join the team. Jane was so glad she was still able to do it!

This was them checking in with temperature checks, 6 feet apart.

Ben and Rosie have stayed cute.

We went back to outdoor worship at church.

We had a fun water day with friends.

And have spent pretty much every free waking minute at the pool...

Eleanor even learned how to do a flip turn this month!

We're hoping things continue to remain open (primarily the pool and swim team) at least through summer. The weather here is so hot that I can't imagine being here without it.


Patty said...

Oh...I am SO HAPPY for you that your pool is open, but also envious! It has been so HOT even I would be going to our pool to cool off. Great job on all the swim improvements. I'm so impressed E can do a flip turn! Gret job Rosie on learning to dress yourself! <3

Dorothy said...

Great job on the swimming and the flip turn! So many fun things this month!

Dorothy said...

And a purple bike! Yeah E!