
Thursday, October 1, 2020

September wrap-up

Oh September! It is hard for me to even believe that the first 8 days of this month we spent at the pool and doing swim team, and now a couple weeks later we are wearing jeans and thoroughly entrenched in homeschooling. It's been a strange month during a strange season.

Church outside continues to be a blessing.

Rosie has loved coloring with chalk outside after P.E. in the mornings.

Chris dug out all of our bushes in the front yard so we could start over. He has since planted some new plants. They are tiny but look so great after the mess those 18 overgrown bushes were!

We took a walk in Colonial Williamsburg with Antelope and Uncle Benny.

This is a fun video of a hummingbird flying away.

This truly is the Greatest Show.

Here are little insights into Ben and Rosie at church outside. Ben plays with cars in his own little world, and Rosie either colors or pretends to read.

Ben and Rosie have loosely begun potty training, with much unsuccess.

We did a walk for Ovarian Cancer in Colonial Williamsburg.

Rosie, enjoying the last fruits of our garden - her favorite, green beans.

Eleanor and Jane started tennis.

Eleanor painted Jane's face with ceramic paint. This is when Jane realized it wouldn't wash off easily. She was a unicorn, if you can't tell.

I had a weekend away at Lake Anna with my small group women.

We've still been getting out to the park.

Gaby and Uncle Rob came down for a visit.

Ben and Rosie have taken up tennis, too.

Post-nap Rosie

The girls also started informal soccer in a friend's backyard.

Loooooots of rain this month.

We also got to celebrate Chris' birthday at the end of the month. He got a new tennis racket, so hopefully he'll start playing more this year!

I am happy that the weather is a bit cooler and happy to be entering into our new routine for the school year, but I do miss a bit of the evenings of summer. I am happy to say that we are still enjoying the increased flexibility that we've had since schools shut down and Chris came home in March. That part of this change has been wonderful!


Patty said...

Such wonderful pictures! I am exhausted watching that video of Ben and Rosie jumping. Great job on the landscaping, Chris!!

Dorothy said...

These are such great monthly updates! I am lookin forward to seeing your new landscaping.