
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Laying Low

Well first, it's January and we generally don't do a whole lot in January anyway, but second, I had a random day of not feeling well and a whole bunch of paranoia after 5 families we know tested positive for COVID in one week. So we spent the week mostly hanging out at the house until I went to get tested and got a solid negative. 

We spent time jumping on the trampoline...

Made meals for our sick friends...

Took lots of naps...

Eleanor completed a few sewing projects...

Ben played lots of cars on the floor by himself...

And then spent all his playground time watching cars through the fence instead of playing...

No coronavirus for our house!

Sweet Janer swept out the garage because she didn't like it being so messy with so many leaves...

Rosie surprised us by being able to build things with shapes...I really wasn't sure she was capable yet!

 The kids made up new and fun games to pass the time...

We've really had a hard time getting motivated to do much after the holidays, but thankfully, there is only 8ish weeks until Daylight Savings and we already see it staying lighter later. I am still hoping we get at least one snow this winter, though...


Patty said...

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well, but thankful all is OK! And I'm SO impressed with your pot pies for friends who were sick. Each of the kids has their own special moments here...I love them and am proud of them!!

Dorothy said...

Wow - those pies look amazing! Also, glad you are feeling better... Great laughs!