
Monday, February 1, 2021

January wrap-up

January and February were the months we were least looking forward to during the pandemic - the weather is not as great, and living in Williamsburg, we don't have the best cold weather gear. It gets cold here, but not constantly, so we generally don't need it. We have done a really good job though this year of just being outside despite the cold. 

We got together with the Heacocks on New Years Eve for games and movies (for the kids).

Ben has not made any progress on his potty chart, but Rosie is officially potty trained (though still likes her stickers).

We got to meet up with some old friends while they were in town around the holidays. We haven't seen them since last Christmas, so it was wonderful! The kids grew up together on the same street so we have very, very special memories with them.

We have transitioned to attending church at 11 am instead of 9 for the first time, since they switched the outdoor service to then in the hopes that it would be warmer. It's been rough on our family to say the least. We've started packing lunches since they are so hungry and tired by then after having been awake for hours. Thankfully, everyone seems very fine with kids crying, whining, being kids.

Rosie is our best vegetable eater in the house, followed closely by Jane. But Rosie particularly loves herself some broccoli (a close second to green beans).

Auntie Mollie had a baby shower for her sweet baby! We are so excited to meet our new neice/nephew/cousin!

Rosie has been wearing a bathing suit around the house telling me she wants to swim on swim team this summer.

We got to see grandma briefly for a very cold park visit!

Playing at the park.

Church is still outside despite it being pretty cold.

We hiked a short distance with Antelope, Uncle Benny, and Bonnie on Antelope's birthday!

We also got to babysit Bonnie that night. She was a dream. I think she was very overwhelmed by our loud crew and barely made a peep the whole time. She spent the whole time just smiling and joining in the fun, and then hovering over near Eleanor when she got a little too overstimulated. 

The kids have been having fun doing the library craft kits they put outside on the curb each week.

As lots of our friends in the healthcare setting are now vaccinated and many others have temporary immunity following a bout with COVID (neither of which apply to us right now), we are hopeful for things to improve a bit in the next few months. Honestly though, I have all my eggs in the baskets for swim team being normal this summer, and schools opening back up fully in the fall. In the meantime we'll spend the months outside!


Patty said...

You made the best of a cold January. One more to get through until spring! Great pics. Tell Rosie Gaby loves broccoli, too!

Dorothy said...

I still recall you hiding your broccoli behind the dresser! Haha!